Thursday, December 5, 2013

Strange Vibes

~~*~~ Strange Vibes ~~*~~

About 8 years ago, I stayed at my cousin's house for the night. He doesn't live there anymore, but, it always had a strange vibe about it.

 My cousin let me sleep in his bed that night and he slept on his sofa. 

That night, when I went to bed to go to sleep, just as I was closing my eyes, I saw this black, misty, cloud-like thing descend down on me fast from above the bed. 

It felt as through something passed through my body, and, after that I felt violated. 

So, I slept with the light on that night. It was like something was trying to torment me.


Submitted By: Shane

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Strangest Thing Happened

*(*The Strangest Thing Happened*)*

Years ago, in a former house that my family had lived in, there was poltergeist activity in the house behind ours. 

Apparently, the story has it, there was this couple and a baby living in the house behind ours. One night, the parents were in the living room watching TV on the sofa and the baby was upstairs sleeping in the cot. 

At some point during the evening, the parents were alarmed to hear the baby crying through the baby monitor.

 So, of course, the parents went running upstairs to tend to the baby, only to find that the baby was fast asleep and was not crying, yet, they clearly heard crying on the baby monitor only moments before. 

The strangest part of this story was a few years later. 

Apparently, one day, the young child was playing in the bathtub with a little red boat toy. Apparently, the parents were forewarned not to let a child play with a red boat in the bathtub, but, of course, the parents didn't think anything of it.

 Then, the strangest thing happened. Apparently, the decorative china dishes on the wall downstairs were spinning by themselves and objects were being levitated and thrown across the rooms. 

This terrified the parents, so they called in a priest to perform an Exorcism. The Exorcism was successful in ridding of the entity. 

However, the parents never found out why the red boat in the bathtub triggered such an event. 


Submitted By: Shane

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Weird Encounters With Shane


I had a brief encounter in my living room. 

I was sitting on the sofa listening to Pantera on volume 12, when, out of nowhere, the CD player turned up to full volume all by itself. 

The remote control was on the sofa arm and nobody had touched it. 



Also, in the same house, I was again sitting on the sofa. It was just me and my dog. 

The next thing, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then my dog got up and just stared at the bottom of the stairs, like somebody or something was there. 

There was no-one else in the house. 


Submitted By: Shane

The Old Woman In My Bedroom

**"The Old Woman In My Bedroom"**

The first paranormal experience I can remember is when I was about 10 years old. I used to witness a full apparition of an old woman with her pet cats sitting on the bottom of my bed in my bedroom.

 My brother even witnessed the ghostly lady once for himself, when he walked past my room late one night. She would appear most nights, however she didn't harm me at all.

 I later found out that, when my family had moved out of that house, the lady spirit I had been witnessing in my room, was in fact a former resident of the house and she did used to keep pets when she lived there.

 Even the family that moved in after us, later said that their son was in my former bedroom and had experienced the same thing.


Submitted By: Shane 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Saying Goodbye

*Saying Goodbye*
~Rachel Livingston's Grandmother Visits Her In Her Dreams~
(Above: Aleta Tannlund (Grandmama) - Photo Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)


I was young when my Grandmother died. She was a great lady and I loved her very much. She was always there for me. She taught me so much. We were very close
When she was aliveI couldn't imagine life without her.

 I hadn't prepared myself for her death. Even though she was sick and in the hospital before she died,
 I thought she would pull through. But she didn't and it breaks my heart to this day

On the night she died I was in my bed asleep. Before I went to sleep I knew she was still alive. I was in complete denial that she would ever die and leave me. My mom went to the hospital to see her that night right before I went to bed

When I fell asleep I had this dream. I had a dream that there was this gazebo by a small lake. In the gazebo was my whole family. They were talking and laughing and having a good time. Then I looked over by the lake and saw my Grandma. She looked so sad
 I asked her: "What's wrong?" Then she said to me: "I'm going home now.
After she said that she lifted up the grass as if the grass were a cover. Then she laid down in the dirt and pulled the grass back over her. Confused, I asked everyone at the gazebo 
"Where did Grandmama go?" 

Then my Mother, who had just gotten back from the hospital, woke me up. It was then my Mother told me that my Grandma had passed away. I couldn't believe it. I was devastated. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest

The next day I started thinking about the dream I had the night before. It made me wonder if my Grandmother visited me in my dreams when she passed. She wanted to say goodbye to me. That thought kind of comforted me but at the same time I felt upset. Not just upset because she died. But upset because she looked so sad in my dream. I don't think that she was ready to leave us behind.

I honestly think that she was telling me goodbye in my dreams
I often think about that dream, but I also often think of all the good times we had when she was alive. I would give anything to see her again

She was an amazing, kind, strong, beautiful, and loving woman.

 I dedicate this entry to her. I miss you Grandmama, so much, and I love you. I will always love you, Grandmama. 

Rest in peace.


Submitted By: Rachel Livingston

A Haunted Mother

~*A Haunted Mother*~
*More Experiences From Rachel Livingston's Mother*

(Above: Holly Federle - Photo Taken and Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)




I have had several experiences with of which was my Father. 

 My Father left when I was 4 years old...he was not a nice person at that time, and treated my Mother horribly, which is why they parted.  I can still vividly remember him and taking him to the bus stop. Which was the last time I saw him in my childhood
I didn't understand it at the time of course, but I heard nothing from him, until my younger brother, as an adult, went in search of him and found him in California. We went to see him, prompting shortly a brief visit from him when I was 29 and my daughter was 1. As can be expected, I had very ambivalent feelings about him.
He only stayed a few days and went back to California. Soon after that he passed away from cancer. At the time of the visit, I didn't even know he was sick

 Shortly after he passed I started to have odd experiences that really scared me. I would suddenly awaken thinking my daughter was standing by my bed, only to see nothing
 I was always feeling that I was being watched
 Our cat at the time would do strange things like walk back and forth on the top of the recliner meowing at the ceiling. I always had the feeling that he was hanging around

When we moved to another house, I was lying down just to rest (I had mono at the time) but was not in anyway asleep.
 Suddenly, I felt and SAW the end of the bed and cover indent as if someone was sitting at the end of the bed.
 In this house, I kept smelling what smelled like decaying flesh. At first I thought if it was a mouse or something, that had died in the wallThe thing was, I was the only one who could smell it. These experiences seemed to happen more in my bedroom at the time, so I never slept in that bed again.....

 I started sleeping on the couch, and did so the rest of the time we were in that house.
 I always felt I was being watched, and felt a didn't feel good either....
 I was scared. My daughter was young at the time but was also having odd experiences

Then when we moved again...I got the guts to confront whatever it was that kept following me around. 
I told whatever it was, my father or not, but I told it to move on and go to the light and to the other side..

 I used Holy Water, cleansed my home with sage, and prayed for whatever it was and asked for God's protection
I never had any other odd experiences like that after that time
My home finally felt like home.




Another haunting experience I had was when I was married.
 We lived in a house that I really liked, but learned to live with something, that basically was unique to that house.
Our bedroom was always cold...summer, didn't matter. We couldn't regulate the temperature in that room.
 I always felt like there was something with us, but it didn't feel threatening. I think it was just a home bound ghost

If friends came over and stayed late, they were always greeted with loud banging noises coming from the basement. Many were frightened, but we just explained, that it was just something that happened every night.

  We often heard footsteps...things would turn up missing, only to find them in odd places.

 Once I had my sewing machine hooked up, and stepped away to talk to my husband at that time.  Suddenly, the sewing machine began sewing all by itself.
 We just looked at each other and shrugged it off, as one more odd thing that happened in that house

Every time, we tried to go somewhere, the basement would back up with sewage water...every time.
 Like it didn't want us to leave.
Light bulbs would burst, for no apparent reason,
especially when I passed them, sending glass flying everywhere.

 We learned to live with whatever was in the house, and when we moved, the experiences stopped, which is why I think it was only a home bound spirit.

I have lived my life experiencing odd occurrences, and because of my upbringing with a family that had many paranormal experiences...nothing surprises me. I know there are things out there beyond what we can see/hear with our 5 senses.   
 Something IS out there...
believe it or not


 Submitted By: Holly Federle 


 A note for Holly from Rachel Livingston
 I just wanted to say: 
Thank you Mom for sharing many of your experiences on my blog. I enjoy hearing them every time you tell me about them and I know my readers enjoy reading them as well. I'm glad you decided to share them with us. I love you Mom, feel free to keep sharing with us. 

(Above: Holly Federle and Rachel Livingston)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013









I have a love/hate relationship with Dreams. I have really, really VIVID dreams. Most the time they are lucid dreams OR false awakenings, and some times, actually a lot of the time, I will have false awakening and lucid dreams at the same time!  




ANYWAYS, False awakenings are so frustrating!!! I have false awakening dreams and lucid dreams every night, literally.

When I lucid dream it's really easy for me. It's weird because I don't try to lucid dream on purpose, I don't even have to try, I just do...When I first started lucid dreaming a couple of years ago it just started to happen. I wasn't trying to lucid dream or anything.

In the beginning, when the lucid dreams started, here is how the dreams went: This is how it all began. And, again, mind you, I never in my life have tried to purposely lucid dream. I just started doing it and I don't know why.

Anyway, In the beginning I would often dream that I was going to the bathroom and when I tried to shut the bathroom door it wouldn't shut. And the bathroom door shuts just fine in real life. When this happened in my dreams I started to think that it was suspicious that the door wasn't shutting and I eventually realized that I was dreaming whenever the bathroom door wouldn't shut. Then, that's when I started to have some fun and lucid dream.

The whole bathroom door thing went on for a while but eventually I didn't need the bathroom door to realize that I was dreaming. Now days when I am dreaming all it takes is just something abnormal and I quickly realize that I am dreaming and begin to lucid dream.

For example: In one dream that I had about a month ago, was about me and my mother and we were sitting in the living room together . Then, while my mom was sitting next to me, she started smoking marijuana!!! It was then, instantly, I knew I was dreaming because my mom doesn't smoke marijuana and hasn't touched marijuana in her life!!! Then, I just started doing whatever I wanted. 
Because I knew that I was dreaming. 

One more example of this happened just the other night.

I was dreaming that I was in my room getting ready for bed, when I noticed a fish on my pillow. I got up close to it and noticed that the fish's gills were still moving. I thought to myself:

"Hey, what is this fish doing here? How is it still alive? Oh, I must be dreaming. This is a dream."

Then I put the fish in the tank with the other fish and started to stare at the fish. I made them change colors as they swam around. I decided to have a relaxing dream and just watch the fish and and make them change into pretty colors..

I even had some music going and I was also making the fish swim along to the music. Then after that I started drifting back into a non - lucid dream state and started dreaming about some stupid conversation with my husband..hehe..Then, I woke up... into another dream. But that's another story..

 Like I said, It only takes little abnormal things in my dreams to make me quickly realize that I am dreaming. It just happens.

But a lot of the time when I am lucid dreaming I am also having multiple false awakenings. False awakenings are so stressful.
Here is an example of a common, annoying, false awakening(s) dream that I have often.

I will be doing something like hanging out with my husband then all of a sudden, I wake up in my bed, but I don't wake up for real, I wake up into another dream.

Then, I will dream again that I get up out of bed and I am hanging out with my husband and then,out of nowhere,he will say something off the wall. Then, that is when I realize that I am dreaming.

I will tell myself to wake up and I do wake up, but in another dream! In the dream that I just woke up in, I will  usually go to my husband and ask him if I am dreaming or awake. He usually says "You're crazy, you're awake, duh!" or something to that extent. But even after he says that I still wonder if I am really awake or not

Thensomething abnormal will happen and I will realize that I am still in a dream and I will start doing something lucidly, like walk around the house or go outside. 

Then, out of nowhere I wake up, but again I wake up into another dream!!!

And this goes on and on and on, and most the time I just get frustrated that I keep waking up into other dreams and I can't wake up for real. In my false awakenings I usually end up screaming to myself, in my head,  "WAKE UP!!" over and over and I struggle to wake up and even when I tell myself to wake up, I still find myself waking up in yet another freaking dream!

By the time I actually do wake up FOR REAL, I wonder if I am really awake. When I finally do realize I am really awake, I am relieved but at the same time I feel so drained from all the multiple false awakenings during the night, all night.

I don't mind lucid dreaming much, it's kind of fun, but false awakenings..ugh...they drive me crazy.
I swear, every night I either have a lucid dream or multiple false awakenings or a combination of lucid dreams and false awakenings....

I almost feel like I am cursed sometimes.

The only time I have good dreams are when they are only just lucid and not false awakenings. When I just have plain old lucid dreams I have fun. I never wake up feeling refreshed after false awakening nights. Like I said I either lucid dream, have false awakenings or a combination of  lucid and false awakening dreams every single night. This has been going on for about 1 to 2 years now.

I RARELY have dreams that are not lucid or are not false awakenings. But when I  have a normal dream , which is really rare for me, and almost non-existent, it's kind of nice to have a normalsane, dream.

There you have it. That is what every night is like for me.


Submitted By: Rachel Livingston 


Thanks for reading this entry and my blog!

 Remember, you can send in your own weird experiences! Whether it's about ghosts, dreams, aliens, or simply just something strange that has happened to you. I'm not just looking for ghost stories. I want to hear ANYTHING weird, or strange, or just simply something you just can't explainPlease, don't be shy my friends! No judgement here! For information and instructions on how to send in your experience(s) look on the right side bar and at the footer of this blog right below the posts

Again, thanks for reading! Have a "Spooktacular" day!