Saturday, November 17, 2012

Psychic Abilities: Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship and More

~Psychic Abilities: Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship and More~

My mom has always told me, ever since I was little, that Clairvoyants and Mediums run on her side of the family. It has always fascinated me. Below is some information about Clairvoyance, Mediumship and MORE!



"I have listed below definitions for some Extra Sensory Abilities(ESP). These are senses that are beyond the normal five physical senses and are non-physical or Psychic. Most Psychics are proficient in at least one ability and may be in all of them. Mediums also use these senses to communicate with spirits."
"Clairaudience means 'clear hearing'. It is the ability to hear through Psychic senses. in other words, to hear in a paranormal way. Someone with this gift hears sounds, words, voices, and/or ideas through the hearing centre of the brain. There are two forms of clairaudience. The first form is hearing thoughts within ourselves, which sounds the same as when we talk to ourselves. They use their 'inner ear' to hear, just as someone with clairvoyance would use their 'inner eye' to see. The second form is hearing the voices spoken out loud. It is the actual perception of sounds, voices, etc that are not heard by others and not done by ordinary hearing. This type is more accurate, as it does not require interpretation."
"Clairvoyance means 'clear seeing'. It is the ability to visually see through Psychic senses. Someone with this gift sees images, shapes, colors, still pictures, moving pictures, etc that are not seen by others nor seen by ordinary eyesight. These images may be seen with the eyes open or closed. This intuitive ability comes straight from the sixth chakra. Clairvoyants may also perceive types of energy not perceptible by others or by normal means. It has terms associated with it such as 'the third eye' 'sixth sense' and 'inner eye'. Clairvoyance is one of the most accurate intuitive abilities."
"Clairsentience means "clear feeling" and relates to the sense of touch. It is the ability to perceive energy fields through physical sensations using Psychic senses. This includes auras, vibrations, and the presence of entities. When you get a "gut feeling" about something, you are using your clairsentience. What you're doing is using your second chakra, the spleen center, to sense things on an emotional level. clairsentience can pick up what other people are feeling. Clairsentience often works with another ability called precognition. Precognition is the ability to know what is going to happen in advance."
"Clairsentience is often mistaken for empathy. Though the psychic is aware of a person's aura, they may think they are picking up emotions, but instead is mentally describing the kind of energy the subject is transmitting. The difference being that aura is an external vibration, while an emotion is internalized. Clairsentience is the most commonly used intuitive abilities, although it is not one of the most accurate."
"Clairgustance means 'clear tasting'. It is the ability to perceive tastes through Psychic senses. Someone with this ability can taste a substance that is not of a physical nature. It is the ability to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms using the taste."
"Clairscent means 'clear smelling'. It is the ability to perceive a fragrance or odor through Psychic senses. Someone with this ability can perceive odors that is not of a physical nature. It is the ability to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms using smell." 
"Clairtangency means 'clear touching'. It is more commonly known as psychometry. It is the ability to handle an object and perceive Psychic information from the spiritual or ethereal realms using touch. clairempathy means 'clear emotion'. It is the ability to Psychically tune into others emotions. Someone with this ability tunes into the vibrations of the spiritual and ethereal realms and feels the tones of another's aura."



"First, let's discuss what defines psychic ability in the first place! Extra-sensory perception (ESP), prophesies of the future, and a "sixth sense" could all be defined under the blanket term "psychic ability". But where does psychic ability come from? Actually, no one really knows - not even psychic readers. People who claim to have psychic abilities describe a sense of just "having it" without having any conception of how it got there. Most say that it is part of their regular consciousness, and that they simply "know" or "feel" things before, during, or after they happen - despite being unable to explain how. Though parapsychology has been heavily criticized, scrutinized, and stigmatized, the truth is that as much evidence points towards its veracity as against it."

"So what are some of the different types of psychic abilities? To begin with, there is the art of "channeling," which is defined as the ability to receive and transmit information from another external consciousness while in a decidedly altered state of mind. Though each incident varies in intensity and resulting activity, many share the same basic traits: a semi-trance like state and the appearance of an outer entity expressing itself through the channeler. Many people have been able to obtain a psychic reading of another entity and consciously channel that entity - but professional parapsychologists don't recommend trying it until you've been well-trained and prepared."
"Three more (related) types of psychic ability are clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. Clairaudience is generally defined as the ability to hear or sense sounds that cannot be perceived by a non-psychic person. Clairsentience is another type of extrasensory perception in that clairsentient people can sense past, present, or future events through "sensing" them, though non-clairsentient people cannot perceive them. Clairvoyance is a synonym for extrasensory perception - any knowledge or consciousness of an event outside of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, or smelling it."




"Clairvoyance means seeing clearly. It is taken from the French word that means “clear seeing” and clairvoyance is a common psychic experience. It interlopes with the above mentioned terms to create the ultimate psychic experience. Clairvoyance is an extra sensory ability to perceive distant objects, persons or events which are not visible through the normal senses."
"Clairvoyance is a common human ability, and happens everyday to people with out their knowledge. Throughout history, clairvoyance has been noted to be used by prominent figure heads."
"There are many ways that Clairvoyance can be experienced, starting from the internal imagery of symbolic images, that must be interpreted by the persons own feelings and thoughts, stretching to the more complicated clairvoyance of seeing non physical planes, the astral and other psychic phenomena. Most of the clairvoyant experiences fall between these two categories."

"The ability of clairvoyance, again like intuition, may either be inherited from parents or grandparents. In other cases a child may be born with clairvoyant ability even if his parents may have nothing to do with it.  In this case, he may be carrying forward his clairvoyant ability from his previous incarnation."

"Psychics and soothsayers have been using their clairvoyant ability since times immemorial. In one of the earliest recorded cases, a dull witted peasant Victor Race would go into trance and see visions wherein he would speak fluently and intelligently. He would even diagnose not only his own disease but also of other patients and suggest prescriptions as well.  And then he would forget every thing after he came out of his trance. The same behavior was later on exhibited by the well known Psychic Edgar Cayce."




"Clairvoyance is said to be a special gift which very few persons possess. When somebody is bestowed with certain psychic abilities to see things that other people cannot see, he or she is said to be clairvoyant. It is also said to be the sixth sense. When you speak with a clairvoyant, it allows you to know certain things concerning the spiritual world and also gain some insight into your future. In the ancient times, clairvoyance was referred to as the ability to prophesy. Its popularity increased in Europe during the 1800s. Lots of clairvoyants exhibited their abilities by reading letters without opening the sealed envelope."
"Some clairvoyants also exhibited their abilities by communicating with the dead. Several studies have been carried out by various scientists in order to prove that clairvoyance really existed. What specifically do clairvoyants do? The answer is simple; they help in bringing messages from other realms which ordinarily, cannot be accessed. In most cases, the psychic receives messages in the form of images, words or sounds. They are said to receive these messages through what is called the Third Eye. This is believed to be situated right in the pineal gland and is strongly believed to help those who want to know how to become psychic to develop their abilities."
"Unlike what most people believe, clairvoyance is not just about having the ability to see the dead. It also involves seeing people or objects that are located very far from the psychic. Clairvoyants in several instances have helped to locate loved ones who got missing and in other cases, helped in unraveling mysteries surrounding certain crimes. Do you desire to get a message from a deceased loved one? Then seeing a clairvoyant is the answer. He or she is endowed with the ability to let you know whether your loved one is happy or not on the other side of the world."




"There seems to be, and apparently always has been, much confusion over the definitions between psychics, mediums and clairvoyants. It has been brought to my attention many times over recently, no less by appearing on the Kilroy show, that many people don't know the difference between all of these 'names' that those of us that work with spirit and energy are blessed with."
"I have been following my spiritual path solidly since 1997 and am very fortunate that I've been able to enhance many of my senses and gain much knowledge along the way. Technically I could call myself any of these 'names' mentioned above, as I'm also very fortunate to have been able to develop all these natural gifts of awareness, which warrant each of these titles".
"To help give just a brief run down before my more lengthy explanations here is a quick resume of what the dictionary had to say about each of these:"
"Psychic - pertaining to mental forces, telepathy, extra sensory perception" 
"Medium - contacting and being able to communicate with spirits of the dead "
"Clairvoyance - the ability to see things beyond our normal senses"

"Let's start with explaining about a psychic. Someone that calls himself or herself a psychic may well be labelling themselves as such because it is stereotypically recognised as someone that can 'read you' and most likely be able to tell you about, your past, present, future and many other things that the psychic could not possibly have known about you before having your reading. This essentially is correct, but how they do this in the true sense of the word, is that as a psychic they will have like a 'mental connection' with you and they will also read your energy field, so they will be very sensitive and be able to pick up on your thoughts and energy most of all. People will tell you that you are psychic if you know who it is when the phone rings, for example. They may well have some or all of the other abilities that will be mentioned as follows, but not necessarily so."

"Now, clairvoyance actually translates to 'clear seeing'. It means that the person that is working with their clairvoyant ability will be able to see images of people, places or things in their minds eye, they are able to describe these to you during a reading or when giving a message. This does not mean that they are fortunetellers or seers of the future, although that doesn't mean that you won't get some information about the future, but clairvoyance is by definition simply clear seeing, and not seeing the future."

"The harder version is that a medium by another definition is the 'channel' by which information from spirit passes through or indeed is the channel through which any energy passes. By this definition all of us indeed are mediums (as opposed to smalls or larges…sorry, couldn't resist getting that in somewhere!). This is because we all channel energy to some degree or another. If we draw, we are a medium (as is the pencil) through which energy flows to create the picture on the page. If we sing, we are a medium (as is the voice) through which energy flows to create a song. If we are healers (another topic entirely) we are mediums through which the energy flows to our clients and so on…"
"This then means by its very nature that anyone working with Spirit or energy on any level could be called a medium. A medium in this sense is then being defined as a 'channel'."
"So someone that calls themselves a clairvoyant/medium, by rights, should be able to describe your loved ones from the spirit world and also to describe visually things around your home or family for example. It has been brought to my attention that there are a few 'clairvoyant/mediums' out there, that aren't in fact either of these! They may 'read' people, but they may be reading via their psychic or sentient ability and not actually 'seeing' anything at all, or indeed they may not be able to talk with your loved ones in spirit either. This doesn't mean they aren't good readers, it just means they might not be offering you the sort of reading you were really after. Never be afraid to ask your 'reader' how they work, they should always be more than happy to explain it to you. This way, you know what sort of reading you can expect."




"Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of:"
-"Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.-Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.-Channeling forth certain types of energies.-Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.-From this definition, we see the following:"
"Mediumship involves a cooperating effort between a person on the Earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in Spirit (the communicator).There are several objectives behind the manifestation of mediumship.In addition to this, we see that mediumship is used by those in Spirit for the following purposes:"
-"To present information, which may or may not be verifiable.-To cause certain types of paranormal activities to occur.-To channel forth certain types of energies.-To manifest themselves materially."
"Therefore, mediumship involves the cooperation between at least two individuals:"
-"n Earth-plane channel or medium"
-"A spirit communicator or operator."

"Mental mediumship involves the relating of information, through communication, via the varied aspects of thought transference, or mental telepathy. Mental telepathy is the relaying of information via thought, without using any of the five physical senses. Mental mediumship takes place within the consciousness of the medium. The results are expressed verbally and must pass through the medium's mouth. Because of its telepathic nature, mental mediumship is sometimes referred to as telepathic mediumship."

"Physical mediumship involves the manipulation and transformation of physical systems and energies. The spirit operators, in this case, are causing something to happen upon the Earth plane. What it is that actually happens varies with the style of mediumship involved, but the results can be seen and heard by others."




"Mediumship is the claimed ability of a person (the medium) to experience contact with spirits of the dead, angels, demons or other immaterial entities. The role of the medium is to facilitate communication with spirits who have messages to share with non-mediums. Mediums claim to be able to listen to, relay messages from, and relate conversations with spirit, to go into a trance and speak without knowledge of what is being said, to allow a spirit to control their body and speak through it, perhaps using a writing instrument (psychography or surreal automatic writing)."

"According to some mediums, a spirit guide is a highly evolved spirit with the sole purpose of helping the medium develop and use personal skills. These spirits are said to assist in the person's following a spiritual path. Other mediums claim instead that a spirit guide is one who brings other spirits to a medium's attention or carries communications between a medium and the spirits of the dead. Many mediums have specific guides who regularly work with them and "bring in" spirits of the dead. Some mediums claim that spirits of the dead will communicate with them directly without the use of a spirit guide. The relationship between the medium and the guide may be providential, or it may be based on family ties. It is important to note that all who are "lightbearers" have spirit guides. Not just mediums."

"In the typical deep trance, the medium may not have clear recall of all the messages conveyed while in an altered state; such people generally work with an assistant. That person selectively wrote down or otherwise recorded the medium's words. Rarely did the assistant record the responding words of the sitter and other attendants. An example of this kind of relationship can be found in the early 20th century collaboration between the trance medium Mrs. Cecil M. Cook of the William T. Stead Memorial Center in Chicago (a religious body incorporated under the statutes of the State of Illinois) and the journalist Lloyd Kenyon Jones. The latter was a non-medium Spiritualist who transcribed Cook's messages in shorthand. He edited them for publication in book and pamphlet form."




"Extrasensory perception—ESP—is defined by parapsychologists as the acquisition by a human or animal mind of information it could not have received by normal, sensory means. Some researchers, however, take issue with the term "extrasensory perception." They protest that the phenomena may not be "perception" at all, as the receiver of this information does not know if the knowledge is right or wrong when he or she first perceives it. It takes a corroborating incident to convince anyone that he or she has perceived anything via extrasensory means. Some parapsychologists prefer to say "paranormal cognition," but this term is subject to the same sort of criticism if the receiver is not instantly certain of the validity of the information. Besides, the researchers insist that the material in their field will eventually merge with present-day physics, so the adjective "paranormal" may be considered a misnomer."
" Contrary to common usage, a parapsychologist is not a psychic, a mentalist, an astrologer, or one who gives psychic readings. A parapsychologist is generally a member of the Parapsychological Association, which was founded in 1957 and elected an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1969. A parapsychologist is a scientist who is seriously interested in the paranormal (or anomalous phenomena), which includes telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, hauntings, reincarnation, and out-of-body or near-death experiences."

"It is interesting to note how many psi activities are experienced while the percipient is either asleep or in the sleeplike states of trance or hypnosis. This may indicate that each individual, in his or her subconscious, has the faculties necessary to focus on the consciously unperceived world of ESP. Dr. Montague Ullman has observed that many persons who are incapable of effective communication in normal ways can communicate at a telepathic level and surprise the therapist with a telepathic dream of rich awareness even of the physician's problems. The same laws of psychodynamics that apply to the dream also appear to apply to psi phenomena. Both the dream and psi are incompatible with currently accepted notions of time, space, and causality."
"More conventional scientists, who work within the confines of those currently accepted boundaries of known physical laws, insist that parapsychologists satisfy the requirements demanded of all other sciences and that they do the following: (1) produce controlled and repeatable experiments; (2) develop a hypothesis comprehensive enough to include all psi activity from telepathy to poltergeists, from water dowsing to materializations."



- Rachel Livingston

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