Here are some good sources that teach you how to Develop You Psychic Abilities, including Mediumship. Everyone can be "Psychic". Or should I say, everyone IS "Psychic". We all have it in us. When you're a child you are more in tune with it. But as you get older it can start to fade, but it NEVER goes away for good. You can always work on it and learn how to use your Psychic Abilities to their full potential. Below are some good tips on how to Develop Your "Psychic Abilities":
"Everyone is psychic. Some people are more so than others and every one of us possesses this ability. You do. I do. And we can further develop, train, and direct, what we already possess. . . expand our psychic potential until every measure of our lives is vastly improved."
"First and foremost, a positive attitude. . . plus the ability to relax and imagine and trust".
"Faculty extensions (what most people refer to as "psychic abilities) allow us to access multiple layers of information, and sometimes simultaneously. And they enable us to reach that wellspring of inner knowingness which resides in the deeper depths of our being."
"Our intent, that directive force of our attitudes and beliefs, determines the type of results we can achieve once we accept our psychic potential and begin the process of developing this inner resource. As with any other talent, practice makes perfect - use establishes value."
"Developing your innate psychic abilities is one of the best investments you can make in creating a better future for yourself. The fact that you are reading this article tells me you are ready to take this positive step forward. So let's begin - right now!"
"Historically, this kind of sharing, of helping another to feel more comfortable and cared for, was reserved only for religious or spiritual rituals, and practiced during services dedicated to healing. Now this type of knowledge is universal, and anyone who wishes to can practice the skill. The effectiveness of this gentle technique is incredible!"
"Everytime you think of a particular person, you are psychically connected with that person for that moment. If they are are particularly sensitive they may pick up on this. Perhaps you have already experienced the common feeling when somebody phones you after a long absence, you burst out spontaneously with the statement that: "I was just thinking about you". That is why actively hating somebody is the worst thing you can do because it makes sure that you are still bound to that person. So if you really do not like a person, do not tie yourself to them by thinking about them all the time."
"Now while it is true that everyone has some psychic ability, no matter how developed or undeveloped, not everyone has the same type of ability."
"There are four groups of psychic ability and you may fit in one or more of them. It would be a very rare person who would be able to fit into of these groups".
"The four types of psychic senses are psychic feeling, psychic intuition, psychic hearing and psychic vision."
"Psychic feeling is associated with gut feelings, hunches, the area of the body around the solar plexus. Often when people have a feeling something is going to go wrong, or has gone wrong, they experience a sinking feeling here in the pit of their stomach. The feeling is quite physical although often still vague."
"To feel connected to the world in general, you need to accept that, for a start, everyone and everything is connected (this can actually be quite an uncomfortable thought as we are so used to having boundaries around us). You need to accept that everything happens for a reason and that everyone has both a good side and a bad side to them. These concepts sound simplistic but are actually very difficult to accept and believe."
"Just about all cars come with a radio built-in as standard, our bodies come with psychic intuition built-in as standard, but like the car radio, it's up to us whether we switch them on or not! To get the best from our car radio, we may need to tune into the various stations, to get the best from our psychic gift we may also need to 'tune' into the signals that are around us. If we keep with this analogy we could also say that some cars come with a higher quality radio receiver, as some people come with a stronger psychic reception. But you can upgrade the radio just as you can improve your psychic awareness."
"I hope that answers the common question;- ' Am I psychic? ' - Because you are! So how do we switch it on and begin? If you are reading this then you have already begun! The first step to waking up your psychic faculty is to admit to yourself that you have one. It takes a while for the subconscious to be able to communicate with the conscious mind and the best way to do this is to simply start thinking about it. For example you could say to yourself "I am psychic" on a daily basis. Try, if possible to discuss it with whoever is willing, all these thoughts have a positive effect on developing your gift. You should also try to read about the subject, again this helps to wake things up. Knowledge will help, as you need some understanding of how things work. Adopt the policy you would take with any new hobby, become involved in it, buy books and magazines, look for more information on the internet. Become familiar with the various approaches and opinions and start to develop your own ideas. Deal directly with what appeals to you, what your logic finds reasonable. Disregard what you find difficult to accept, you can always return to it at a later time."
"When I use Psychometry, I close my eyes for a while, relax as if I am taking a step back from the world, and create a space for the pictures to arrive. You must find a technique that works for you. You are looking for brief pictures, that seem to arrive all by themselves. Things that you were not thinking about, if you manage to get this far, you are making good progress. If appropriate you will get a negative or positive feeling about what you have seen or felt. This is how psychics work. These positive / negative feelings are used to tell a client about which way they should go in a situation. Alternatively you may just get more information about an event, if you do, tell the person you are with. But please do not try to be a counselor until you are ready, remember you are dealing with peoples emotions."
"I sometimes get asked how people can develop their own mediumship skills, while the process is not difficult, what is important is your intent, your sensitivity and respect for others. You must also decide why you wish to develop this technique? Decide if you are doing this to help others or just to contact a family member or someone close. Learning to recognise the subtle presence of our spirit friends around us and the gentle guidance they impart, is different to working as medium for others."
"Most people train in a development circle, or with a teacher and this is something I strongly recommend. Without someone to guide you, you may not know how to separate the imagination from actual spirit. A group meeting often means more than one person is able to sense the same spirit person, this is comforting and ensures you are progressing correctly. A good place to start would be your local spiritualist church, as many groups start from there. However you may have to be invited or have to wait for a suitable opening. But there are also 'Workshops' appearing with more regularity now, and these will help you learn from someone experienced. If you look hard enough, there is usually something in your own area where you can go."
"Before we get into the specifics of developing skills though, first lets discuss the differences between Mediumship and Channeling. Many use these terms interchangeable, but for my purposes I will state what they mean to me. Simply, Mediumship is the process of communicating with the spirits of the deceased loved ones who have crossed over. Channeling is the process of communicating with the Ascended Maters, our Higher Selves, the Angels.. and bringing forward messages for soul development and spiritual growth. One of the things I like to warn about with channeled material is that no matter how good the channel, channeled messages are always colored by human perceptions. This doesn't make channeled material "untrue" or "bad" or "wrong". People often ask why channeled materials sometimes conflict and that's why. Remember when we communicate with spirit it isn't like talking on the telephone to a friend, it's very different."
"Mediumship is a little different than channeling, yes it can be colored by the interpretation of the medium, but there is also someone sitting there who will validate for you "yes" or "no". Mediumship can be tricky for several reasons. First of all, those that are receiving readings typically come into the reading with ideas of who and what they want to hear. Sometimes these expectations get in the way of an otherwise good reading. Spirit has to communicate the way they know how, and again it isn't like we have a direct phone line. Spirit has to communicate to the medium in symbols, sounds, feelings etc.. and each medium interprets these differently. Some who are new to dealing with mediumship don't understand the differences, and that's ok. What is really essential is for the Medium to be patient and confident, and for the querrant to be openminded and to write things down, not discounting anything outright. If these two things are established readings will be much more productive. This doesn't mean we should encourage a sitter to just believe everything they hear. There is a healthy level of skepticism where we are able to protect ourselves, but there is a fine line between that skepticism and the next degree which is "closed" or "cynical"."
"List your top 3 fears. Explore these in depth one at a time. In college when we were doing papers we had a brainstorming exercise where we took our topic, in this case one of your top fears, and put it in the center of our page with a circle around it. Coming out from that circle were all the thoughts and ideas we had on our subject, questions that came forward etc. This process helps to bring out all of these things to be organized and sorted through. This is a great way to start to deal with misgivings/fear etc. "brainstorm" it. Spend 20-30 minutes on this exercise. Don't try to organize your thoughts during the 'brainstorming" segment... that will come later as you review the branches. Do this exercise for each of your top 3, one per day or one per week..."
"Channeling is usually a very personal thing. Some people choose to take that higher wisdom and use it to inspire others, but a great many people "channel" and don't realize they are doing it. Channeling is involved in healings, where we draw the healing energy into our crown, and move it through our bodies and into the person being healed. By being a channel it simply means you are receiving energy. Everything that is is composed of energy. Thoughts are energy."
"As we did in the first segment when we did the guided meditation to meet our guide, we want to do a similar exercise. Bring a notepad and pen, or a small tape recorder, and place it near your chair. Do your exercise of protection, and state your intention to the Holy Spirit / Divine/ Your Guide, whoever you wish to receive communication from. Relax, releasing any expectations.. and just relax as deeply as possible. You may find you see symbols, or hear something, or have a thought... just relax for 5-10 minutes or so and when you come out of your altered state, immediately record everything you perceived: feelings, signs, thoughts, words ... Continue to do these exercises as you are able, and record all that you perceive. The more you do this the more you are apt to pick up on... and since you have a written record things that you don't understand now may be validated later on. Be sure to write things down!"
Here is yet another REALLY GOOD SITE on how to develop your Mediumship skills:
I hope this helped you out! Good luck!
-Rachel Livingston
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