Monday, February 25, 2013

One Body...Two Places At Once...A Talk With Grandfather's Spirit



It was in the year of 1996.
(New year was just a few days left)

I don't know much about the time, but it was dark and my Mother was busy in the kitchen, so I think she was cooking..

We where watching TV, some soap my Sister always wanted to see.
Suddenly, my Sister got off the seat and started to walk.
She walked from from left to right, right to left, from window to window.....

She didn't talk, she just walked...
She did it for I think, 2 minutes, and came back to the seat.
She didn't watch the soap anymore.

 Her eyes were wide open, and I remember my Father was talking to her.

 He was asking,
"What's going on?".

 But there was no answer from my Sister.
After about 15 minutes, my Sister "came back". 

Then, my parents asked her,
 "What was that?" "What were you doing?" 

Before my Sister could answer, the phone started ringing. 
At that point my Sister stood up!

She screamed, shouted, and cried for them NOT to pick up the phone!!
She was mad, and angry, at everyone who would pick up the phone!!

But everyone knows how parents are.  They just picked up the phone.
It was a message that my Grandfather died. 
Just 20 minutes ago.

Well, this is what happened to my Sister, at the moment she started to walk...
Her body was at home, with me and my parents.

 I did see her! 

But her mind was in the hospital with my Grandfather.
They even had a chat with each other. 
I don't know what it was about.

 My Sister never told anyone about it. She just said that they talked.
And after the chat between my Sister and Grandfather, my Grandfather died in my Sister's arms!!!

How weird is that!!??
She was at 2 places at the same time!

Until the day of today, we never talk about it, just because my Sister is afraid of it. 
She can't accept paranormal things.
I see now paranormal stuff with her 8 years old son.

But that's an whole different story.


Submitted by: Justin

Saturday, February 23, 2013


(Above: Holly Federle and Rachel Livingston - Photo Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)

 This story is very well known to you, Rachel Livingston, as we have talked about it many times.

You and I had a very difficult birth.You were in distress, and I was losing blood, and near death

 By the time you were born, the cord was around your neck, and you weren't breathing.
  I saw you being whisked over to the incubator, and watched as they resuscitated  you.  

I saw the Dr working on me..

It was all very clear in my mind except for the fact that when I told your Father about it, he said it was impossible that I could have seen any of it as my
eyes were rolled back in my head and near death.
I started to think about the whole experience because I knew I had seen it so clearly,

and I suddenly realized that I was seeing it from the ceiling over my body, and I could actually see everything that was going on in the room to the minute detail.......even my own body laying on the table. 

I guess that's what you would call an out of body experience.  

In my  51 years of life, I have had many paranormal experiences, and as my daughter has said we come from a long line of mediums on my mother's side.  

I've lived in a haunted house.......

I was haunted by my deceased Father for a long time, and have had many unusual experiences.

 My daughter, the author of this website is quite psychic as well. 
 I consider it an honor and a gift.  

I have found recently my half sisters on my fathers side, with whom I had never met, AND they are all into the paranormal...mediums clairvoyants  and such...How Strange is That?  I definitely believe that it runs in families and how could we miss! 

 I have many more stories to share. and will along the way.....but for now, well, let's leave it at that.

(Above: Holly Federle - Photo Taken and Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)


Submitted By: Holly Federle

Wednesday, February 20, 2013



Check this out. I find it very interesting! I saw the Booth Brother's documentary about it and it's really wicked....They say that it's the first documented possession in America!!!.



"Called "America's first documented case of spiritual posession," the "Watseka Wonder" is the name given to the strange case of the possession of a young Lurancy Vennum by the spirit of Mary Roff, the daughter of a founder of the small town of Watseka."



"The small town of Watseka, Illinois is located about 50 miles south of Chicago and on the eastern side of the state, just a few miles from the Indiana border. The sensation that would come to be known as the “Watseka Wonder” would first make it’s appearance here in July of 1877."
"It was at this time that a 13-year-old girl named Lurancy Vennum first fell into a strange, catatonic sleep during which she claimed to speak with spirits. The attacks occurred many times each day and sometimes lasted as long as eight hours. During her trance, Lurancy would speak in different voices although when she awoke, she would remember nothing. News of the strange girl traveled about the state and during this time of popularity for the Spiritualist movement, many visitors came to see her."




"Mary Roff was born in Warren County, Indiana, on 8 October,1846. When she was thirteen years old the family moved to Watseka,  about 70 miles south of Chicago, Illinois. By that time Mary’s health had been badly weakened by epileptic fits, which she suffered from about twice a day. In spring, 1865, in an attempt to escape from depression caused by her health, she tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists. Her parents found her unconscious from loss of blood and called a doctor.  When Mary eventually regained consciousness she became so violent that it took several adults to hold her down in bed. She was delirious for five days, after which she suddenly became calm and slept for fifteen hours. She awoke to find bandages covering her eyes to protect them from her unconscious scratching; but instead of removing them, she discovered that she seemed to be able to see as easily while blindfolded as she had before."

"Slowly, however, the young girl’s health deteriorated, and before long doctor’s advised her parents to put her in a mental institution. They refused and decided to care for her themselves. They took her with them when they visited friends in Peoria, Illinois, for the 4th of July holiday in 1865. While there Mary complained of a terrible headache and went to her room. A few minutes later they found her unconscious on the floor in a pool of blood and rushed her to the asylum, where she died on the afternoon of 5 July."



"Mary's childhood had never been normal. Her seizures began when she was an infant and as a young child, began to complain of mysterious voices that she heard in her head. The voices, she said, came from nowhere and told her to do things that she knew she shouldn't. As she grew older, she began to experience long periods when she stayed in a trance-like state. Then came her moments of awakening, when she spoke in other voices and seemed to be possessed by the spirits of other people. During these trances, she was said to have manifested clairvoyant powers that were carefully investigated by "all of the prominent citizens of Watseka, including newspaper editors and clergymen." Mary was able to speak of places that she had never been to, often with uncanny accuracy, was reportedly able to predict future events and knew things about people that she should have had no way of knowing. Shortly after, her mind began to deteriorate and she became violent with stranger and soon, with her own family as well. Mary developed an obsession with blood and became convinced that she needed to remove the blood from her body, using pins, leeches and at last, a sharpened razor."
"After that final incident, her parents discovered her on the floor of her room, unconscious and lying in a pool of her own blood. They had no choice but to commit her to the state asylum and here, Mary endured more agony as the "cures" for insanity in those days were just short of barbaric. One of the favored treatments of the 1860's was the Water Cure, in which a patient would be immersed naked into a tub of icy water and then taken to a tub of scalding water after their body temperature had sufficiently lowered. In addition, female patients, like Mary, received a cold water douche, administered with a hose and then they were wrapped tightly in wet sheets to squeeze the blood vessels shut. This was followed by vigorous rubbing to restore circulation. The "treatments" were administered several times each week but not surprisingly, such techniques brought little success and most of the patients never got better. Mary, like so many others, showed no improvement and she soon died."



"‘Mary Roff died on the afternoon of July 5, 1865 while hospitalized at the State Mental Asylum in Peoria. She had been committed there after a bizarre incident when she began slashing at her arms with a straight razor. It was the final tragedy in Mary’s descent into madness and insanity. In the beginning, it had only been the strange voices that seemed to come from nowhere; next were the long periods when she stayed in a trance-like state; then came her moments of awakening, when she spoke in other voices and seemed to be possessed by the spirits of other people; then finally, came her obsession with blood. Mary was convinced that she needed to remove the blood from her body, using pins, leeches and at last, a sharpened razor."




"Lurancy Vennum had been born on April 16, 1864 and she and her family had moved to Watseka when she was seven years old. Since they arrived long after Mary Roff’s death, the Vennum family knew nothing of her strange illness, nor did they know the Roff family, other than to speak to them on the streets of the small town."




"On the day of Mary Roff’s death, Lurancy Vennum was a fifteen-month-old baby living on her parents’ farm in Iowa. She had been born Mary Lurancy Vennum, on 16 April 1864, at Milford Township, Iroquois Co, Illinois. In 1871, the family moved to a farm seven miles south of Watseka. This was nearly six years after the death of Mary Roff; so there is no possibility that Lurancy Vennum could ever have seen Mary. Lurancy was a normal, healthy child of thirteen when the twelfth anniversary of Mary Roff’s death occurred on 5 July 1877. Next morning she told her parents - ‘There were people in my room last night and they kept calling ‘Rancy! Rancy!’ and I could feel their breath on my face.’ A week after this incident Lurancy was helping her mother stitch a broken seam in a carpet when she suddenly straightened herself up and said - ‘Maw, I feel bad; I feel mighty queer!’" 
"Seconds later she became rigid and fell unconscious for five hours. This began to happen every day and usually consisted of Lurancy lying stiff, with only a faint pulse, her breath slow and weak, and her temperature below normal. She suffered from excruciating abdominal pains and would murmur about strange visions which usually involved what she called 'angels'. Sometimes the attacks lasted up to eight hours, during which time Lurancy would speak in different voices, though when she awoke, she would remember nothing."



"It was at this time that a 13 year-old girl name Lurancy Vennum first began to fall into mysterious, catatonic trances during which she claimed that she was able to speak to angels and the spirits of the dead. The strange spells would often occur many times each day and some of them would last for hours. During the trances, Lurancy would speak in different voices and tell of places far away that she had no real knowledge about. When she woke up, she wouldn't remember anything that she said or did while she was under the influence of these spells."
"Word quickly spread around town that odd things were happening at the home of Thomas and Lurinda Vennum and soon the news began to spread out of town, to Chicago and around the state. Soon, many visitors began to arrive in Watseka, all hoping to see the young girl."
"The news of the girl's weird trances gained so much attention due to the fact that the Spiritualist movement was in the height of its popularity at this time. Spiritualism is a movement that is based on the idea that the dead can, and do, communicate with the living."



"On that otherwise ordinary morning, Lurancy got out of bed feeling very dizzy and nauseated. She complained to her mother about feeling sick and then suddenly collapsed onto the floor, passed out cold. She stayed in a deep, catatonic sleep for the next five hours but when she woke up, she said that she felt fine. But this was just the beginning. The following day, Lurancy again slipped into a trance-like sleep but this time was different. This time, as she lay perfectly still, she began to speak out loud, talking of visions and spirits and carrying on conversations with people that no one else could see. She told her family that she was in heaven and that she could see and hear spirits, including the spirit of her brother, who had died in 1874"
"After that day, the trances that Lurancy suffered came more and more frequently and sometimes they lasted for more than eight hours at a time."

"While she was under the spells, she continued to speak about her visions, which were often terrifying. She claimed that some of the spirits chased her through the house and shouted her name. The attacks occurred as many as a dozen times each day and as they continued, Lurancy started to speak in other languages, or at least spouted nonsense words that no one could understand. When she awoke each time, she would remember nothing of what happened during the trance and was ignorant of her strange ramblings."




"Doctors thought her mentally ill and could do nothing for her, only recommending that she be sent to the State Insane Asylum in Peoria. At this time the Spiritualist movement was at its height of popularity and news of the strange girl brought many curious visitors to see her. Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Roff, the parents of Mary Roff and apparently Spiritualists themselves, heard about the case and were reminded of their own daughter’s similar problems. They visited the Vennums and persuaded them to allow a Dr. E. Winchester Stevens of Janesville, Wisconsin, a medical doctor and an advocate of Spiritualism, to investigate the case".  
"Dr. Stevens visited the family, and found Lurancy sitting in a chair near the stove, with her elbows on her knees, her hands under her chin, and feet curled up on the chair, eyes staring wildly. For a while there was silence, broken only when Dr. Stevens moved his chair. At this Lurancy savagely warned him not to come any closer. She was surly and refused to be touched, calling her father ‘Old Black Dick’ and her mother ‘Old Granny." 
"Dr. Stevens encouraged her to try and find a better control, after which she mentioned the names of several people who had died, eventually saying that there was one who wanted to come. Her name was Mary Roff. Mary’s father was present, and agreed to let her come, which she apparently did, astounding the whole company with the details she gave of the Roff’s house."



"The Vennum family was not interested in mediums and Spiritualists however. They were only concerned with the health and welfare of their daughter and they took her to one physician after another in hopes that someone would be able to help her. The doctors could find nothing physically wrong with Lurancy and they eventually diagnosed her as being mentally ill. It was recommended that she be sent to the State Insane Asylum in Peoria. Heartbroken, the Vennum's felt they had no other choice and after the holiday season of 1877, they began to make arrangements to have their daughter committed. They knew there was little chance that Lurancy would ever come home again. In those days, mental hospitals were merely cages to store the insane and offered little in the way of treatment for their conditions."
"But before Lurancy could be sent away, in January 1878, a man named Asa Roff, who also resided in Watseka, arrived at the home of the Vennum family. He explained to them that his own daughter, Mary, had been afflicted with the same condition that Lurancy was suffering from. He begged the Vennum's not to send Lurancy to the asylum. He had mistakenly sent his own daughter there years before and she had died in confinement. Despite her death though, he was convinced that his daughter's spirit still existed. And little did he know but it would soon become apparent to many that his daughter's spirit was now inside of the body of Lurancy Vennum."



"Stories and rumors about Lurancy and her visions began to circulate in Watseka. People were talking about the weird happenings and the local newspaper printed stories about her . No one followed the case more closely than Asa Roff did. In the early stages of his own daughter's illness, she had also claimed to communicate with spirits and she often fell into long, sometimes violent, trances. He became convinced that Lurancy Vennum was suffering with the same affliction that Mary had. In spite of this, Roff said nothing until the Vennum family had exhausted every known cure for Lurancy and after the local doctor and a minister suggested that the girl be sent away to the state asylum. At this point, he became determined to try and help. He refused to see another young woman end up in the hands of the doctors who had tortured his Mary."



"When Stevens first visited Lurancy, she acted like a wild animal. She appeared to have Multiple Personality Disorder, now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is a psychiatric condition in which there are two or more separate personalities, alters, within a person's body and at least two of them take control of the person’s body at various times. The alters are not aware of the others and do not recall what happened when they were in control."
"Lurancy told the doctor that several entities lived in her body. First, was Katrina Hogan, then, there was Willie Canning. Finally, Mary emerged. When Mary took over, Lurancy did not recognize her home or her family...."



"The stories and rumors about Lurancy and her visions began to circulate in Watseka. People were certainly talking and even the local newspaper printed stories about her. No one followed the case more closely than Asa Roff, the father of Mary Roff. In the early stages of Mary’s illness, she too had claimed to communicate with spirits and would fall into long trances without warning. He was sure that Lurancy Vennum was suffering from the same illness as his poor daughter. But Roff said nothing until the Vennum family exhausted every known cure for Lurancy. It was not until the local doctor and a minister suggested that the girl be sent to the State Mental Hospital that Roff got involved. He refused to see another young woman end up as his Mary did in the hands of the doctors."
"On January 31, 1878, he contacted the Vennum family. They were naturally skeptical of his story but he did persuade them to let him bring a Dr. E. Winchester Stevens to the house. Stevens, like Asa Roff, was a dedicated Spiritualist and the two men had become convinced that Lurancy was not insane. They believed that Lurancy was actually a vessel through which the dead were communicating. Roff only wished that he had seen the same evidence in his own daughter years before."




"Asa Roff called on the Vennum family on January 31, 1878. They were naturally skeptical of his story but he did persuade them to let him bring a Dr. E. Winchester Stevens to the house to examine Lurancy. Stevens, like Roff, was a dedicated Spiritualist and the two men became convinced that Lurancy was not insane. They believed that the girl was a vessel through which the dead were communicating. Roff only wished that he had seen the same evidence in his own daughter years before. He believed that because no one had been able to help Mary, she had been driven insane by the gifts and abilities that she possessed. He didn't want that to happen to another young woman and so he begged the Vennum's to let he and Dr. Stevens do everything they could for Lurancy."
"Thomas and Lurinda reluctantly agreed and Dr. Stevens "mesmerized" the girl and tried to contact the spirits through her. Within moments, Lurancy began speaking in another voice, which allegedly came from a spirit named Katrina Hogan. A few moments later, the spirit changed and now claimed to be that of Willie Canning, a young man who had committed suicide. She spoke with Willie's voice for over an hour and then suddenly, she threw her arms into the air and collapsed. Dr. Stevens took her hands and soon, Lurancy calmed down and gained control over her body again. She was now in heaven, she said, and would allow a gentler spirit to control her." 
"She said that the spirit's name was Mary Roff"



"It was after this, in February, 1878, that the ‘control’ of Lurancy, or the 'spiritual possession' as some researchers have called it, began. Far from being sullen and aggressive the girl became mild, passive and polite, not recognizing her own family, but instead asking to be taken ‘home’. On hearing of the extraordinary change in the girl, Mrs. Roff and her daughter, Mrs. Minerva Alter, Mary’s sister, went to visit Lurancy. Lurancy was looking out of the window of her house at the time and when she saw them coming down the street exclaimed - ‘There comes my ma and sister Nervie!’- the latter being the name Mary used to call Mrs. Alter when a young girl. When they came into the house she hugged them and cried for joy. After this incident Lurancy became progressively more homesick and continually begged to be taken 'home' to the Roffs."

"For fifteen weeks Lurancy Vennum lived as Mary Roff among her family and friends, and everything she did convinced people that she was the real Mary Roff, whom she had never known. When Mrs. Roff asked her if she recalled the family moving to Texas in 1857 (when Mary was eleven) the girl responded promptly that she remembered it well, particularly seeing the Indians along the Red River and playing with the young daughters of a family named Reeder, who were among the same travelling party. The Roffs also tested her with a velvet head dress Mary used to wear; which she recognized immediately."



"On February 11, Lurancy --- or rather "Mary" --- was allowed to go to the Roff home. Tom and Lurinda agreed that this arrangement would be for the best for now, although they desperately hoped that Lurancy would regain her true identity. The Roff's, however, saw the "possession" as a miracle, as though Mary had returned from the grave. They took Lurancy across town and as they were taking the buggy ride, they passed by the former Roff home, where they had been living when Mary died. She demanded to know why they were not returning there and they had to explain that they had moved several years before. This was, as far as Asa Roff and his supporters were concerned, further proof that Lurancy had been possessed by the dead girl."
"For the next several months, Lurancy lived as Mary and seemed to have forgotten her former life. She did, however, tell Mrs. Roff that she would only be with them until "some time in May". But as the days passed, Lurancy continued to show that she knew more about the Roff family, their possessions and their habits than she could have possibly known if she had been merely faking the whole thing. Many of the incidents and stories that she referred to had taken place years before Lurancy had even been born. Her physical condition began to improve while staying with the Roff's and she no longer suffered from the fits that had plagued her."




"Dr. Stevens often asked ‘Mary’ about her former life, and on one occasion she told him about cutting her arm, and asked if he had seen where she did it. After receiving a negative answer, she started to pull up her sleeve to show him the scar, but suddenly stopped, as if realizing something suddenly, and quickly said - ‘Oh, this is not the arm; that one is in the ground,’ and carried on to describe where it was buried, how she witnessed it done, and who was standing around at the time."



"In conversation with Dr. E. W. Stevens about her former life, Lurancy Vennum, possessed by the spirit of Mary Roff, speaks of the time she had cut her arm with a knife. She asks if he had ever seen where she did it. He says no, and so she proceeds to slip up her sleeve as if to exhibit a scar, but suddenly arrests the movement. She quickly adds, "This is not the arm: that one is in the ground."
"She tells where it is buried and how she had seen it done and who stood around, and how they felt. but she says that she did not feel bad. She tells Mr. Roff and the others present how she wrote him a message some years ago through the hand of a medium, and gives the name, time, and place. She also tells of rapping and spelling out a message by another medium, and gives the time, name, and place. Mr. and Mrs. Roff later admit all facts and details to be true."




"Finally, in early May, Lurancy told the Roff family that it was nearly time for her to leave. She became very sad and despondent and spent the entire day going from one family member to another, hugging them and touching them at every opportunity. She became increasingly upset over the next few days, weeping at the thought of leaving her "real family". Over the next two weeks, a battle raged for the control of Lurancy's physical body. At one moment, Lurancy would announce that she had to leave and at the next would cling to her father and cry at the idea of leaving him." 

"On May 21, Lurancy returned home to the Vennum house. She displayed none of the strange symptoms of her earlier illness and her parents were convinced that she had somehow been cured, thanks to the intervention of the spirit of Mary Roff. She soon became a healthy and happy young woman, suffering no ill effects from her strange experience."



"‘Eight years later, when Lurancy turned 18, she married a local farmer named George Binning and two years later, they moved to Rawlins County, Kansas. They bought a farm there and had 11 children. Lurancy died in the late 1940′s while she was in California visiting one of her daughters."



If you are interested in the Booth Brother's documentary about the Watseka Wonder, you can find it on's called:
 "The Possessed" and it's directed by the Booth Brothers..
...Great stuff!


- Rachel Livingston



I find the Waverly Hills Sanatorium one of the most interesting haunted places out there! From a documentary I have watched and from all that I have read and heard about Waverly Hills gives me the chills, and I love getting the chills from something really spooky...I want to go there so bad..Maybe one day I will go on one of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium Haunted/Historical tours...It would be amazing....I just love the thrill I get when I experience something spooky and I bet the Waverly Hills Sanatorium would be a wicked thrill for me!! Anyway, here is some interesting information about Waverly Hills. You should defiantly check this out! 



"During the 1800s and early 1900s, America was ravaged by a deadly disease known by many as the “white death” --- tuberculosis. This terrifying and very contagious plague, for which no cure existed, claimed entire families and sometimes entire towns. In 1900, Louisville, Kentucky had one of the highest tuberculosis death rates in America. Built on low, swampland, the area was the perfect breeding ground for disease and in 1910, a hospital was constructed on a windswept hill in southern Jefferson County that had been designed to combat the horrific disease. The hospital quickly became overcrowded though and with donations of money and land, a new hospital was started in 1924." 
"The new structure, known as Waverly Hills, opened two years later in 1926. It was considered the most advanced tuberculosis sanatorium in the country but even then, most of the patients succumbed to the disease. In those days before medicine was available to treat the disease, it was thought that the best treatment for tuberculosis was fresh air, plenty of nutritious food and lots of rest. Many patients survived their stay at Waverly Hills but it is estimated that hundreds died here at the height of the epidemic."



"In the early part of the twentieth century, the wasting disease of Consumption came to Northwestern Kentucky with a vengeance. The white plague, as the scourge of tuberculosis was known, found a virulent home within the wet lowlands and swamps of the area. Through an act of Congress in 1906, monies were set aside for the eventual purchase of land to erect a sanatorium to house those afflicted with this all consuming affliction. The site of Waverly Hills was purchased and the original structure had the capacity to house some forty patients or so. With the aggressive nature of the disease and with no antibiotics available at the time, a larger, more permanent hospital was erected in 1926."



"The Waverly Hills Sanatorium located in Louisville, Kentucky was built in 1910 specifically to quarantine and treat patients suffering from tuberculosis (an infectious pulmonary disease that affects the lungs and causes the patient to feel fatigued, run a fever and cough up blood.) Until it closed permanently in 1961, Waverly Hills was Louisville's primary treatment facility for early and advanced cases of tuberculosis. And in the fifty-one years it was operating, the sanatorium saw as many as 63,000 deaths."



"Construction of what now stands as Waverly Hills Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky began March of 1924. At the time, this was considered to be one of the most modern tuberculosis facilities in existence. In October of 1926 the sanatorium opened for patients featuring four stories of patient rooms, a cafeteria and kitchen, an operating room, and plenty of solarium porch space on each floor for the patients. On the fifth floor was the heliotherapy department where those suffering from tuberculosis of the bone would be treated with sunlight. There was also a roof top swing set for the children, a nurse's station, a kitchenette, and access to the elevator maintenance in what is now known as the “bell tower.” "



"Waverly Hills Sanatorium functioned as a tuberculosis hospital until 1961. Between 1944 and 1954 several drugs were discovered that served as an effective treatment against tuberculosis known as streptomycin, para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), and isoniazid. The need for isolated hospitals dedicated to tuberculosis patients diminished as a result of these drug treatments and thus Waverly Hills Sanatorium was closed down in 1961 and placed under quarantine."
"It was renovated and re-opened in 1962 as Woodhaven Medical Services, a hospital dedicated to geriatrics until 1980. The state was forced to shut down the facility after an alarming number of reports surrounding patient abuse and unethical experimentation surfaced. Limited knowledge and treatment options for tuberculosis and various mental disorders resulted in unorthodox and experimental treatment practices during Waverly Hills's 70 year rein from 1910 until 1980."



"More than 6,000 patients died during the time Waverly Hills was open. And there are some legends that claim the number is much higher....around 63,000. The most deaths in one year for the hospital according to the records was 152. Of course no matter what the number, with so many deaths and suffering that happened inside the hospital, its bound to have its ghosts."




"In many cases, the treatments for the disease were as bad as the disease itself. Some of the experiments that were conducted in search of a cure seem barbaric by today’s standards but others are now common practice. Patient’s lungs were exposed to ultraviolet light to try and stop the spread of bacteria. This was done in “sun rooms”, using artificial light in place of sunlight, or on the roof or open porches of the hospital. Since fresh air was thought to also be a possible cure, patients were often placed in front of huge windows or on the open porches, no matter what the season. Old photographs show patients lounging in chairs, taking in the fresh air, while literally covered with snow."
"Other treatments were less pleasant --- and much bloodier. Balloons would be surgically implanted in the lungs and then filled with air to expand them. Needless to say, this often had disastrous results, as did operations where muscles and ribs were removed from a patient’s chest to allow the lungs to expand further and let in more oxygen. This blood-soaked procedure was seen as a “last resort” and few of the patients survived it."



"With so little known as to the nature of the disease, coupled with the inability to actually cure it, the methods of treatment ranged from simply misguided to sheer barbarism. Fresh air, bed rest and sun treatments were de rigueur of the day, and while this seems like a rather innocuous and possibly ineffective way in dealing with such a disease, the treatments were given regardless of the weather. Pictures exist showing patients in front of open floor length windows; semi reclined and covered in snow. Another bizarre method was called the shot bag treatment wherein a patient would be encumbered with bags of buckshot, sometimes up to five pounds, slung across their collar bones to “restrict the excursions of the lungs, making them quiescent, teaching correct breathing and produces partial rest for the lungs.”"
"Some of the more brutal treatments were reserved for the operating room. The Phrenicotomy, otherwise known as the phrenic nerve crush, was when the nerve to the diaphragm was crushed, thereby paralyzing the diaphragm and lessening the movement and capacity of that lung in a vain attempt to heal it. Thoracoplasty was a surgical procedure wherein up to nine ribs were removed in a wasted effort to ease the restrictions of the infected lungs. It is easy to see how the death tolls from Waverly Hills have been estimated at up to 63,000, although these numbers are in dispute. A tunnel, originally used to pump steam heat from the boilers at the bottom of the hill to the main building, eventually became known as “the body chute.” Feeling that the mental health of their patients was just as important as their physical well being, the staff of the facility chose to transport the dead out of the building down this 525 foot tunnel to the waiting hearses."



"There were many different types of treatments issued to patients that received care at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium during the tuberculosis outbreak. Because of the fact that antibiotics did not exist at the time, many medical professionals and their staff turned to treatments that were considered to be natural. One of the main patient treatments at this medical care facility was placing patients on specially designed porch paths in their beds where they could be exposed to the outside air. It did not matter if it was winter or summer, this particular treatment was used. However, specially designed blankets that provided heat to the patients were provided during extremely cold periods of the year. It was believed that fresh air would enter into the lungs and that the germs that were part of the illness would be effectively carried away from those that were sick."
"In addition to the fresh air therapy, many individuals took part in a special type of sunlight treatments. If the weather was favorable, the patient would be placed outside to receive ultraviolet treatment. This form of therapy was referred to as “Heliotherapy”. If the weather was not favorable for a patient to be let outside of the most haunted location, they would receive treatment from sunlamps. It was believed at the time that the sun acted as what many medical professionals call a “Bactericide”, which means that the substances that caused the disease would be killed off. Additionally, the warmth from the sun was believed to be detrimental to the microorganisms that sickened the patient. The patients also received a wide array of fresh meats, produce and vegetation in order to strengthen their immune systems while being cared for at Waverly Hills Sanatorium."



"Some of the procedures that were used to treat this disease was removing organs, lobotomy's, collapsing lungs,and using illegal and experimental drugs. All of which were very painful and im sure hard for the patients to go through. The disease would eventually take a hold of the patients mind and cause them to go crazy."




"The buildings and land that made up Waverly Hills were auctioned off and changed hands many times over the course of the next two decades. By 2001, the once stately building had nearly destroyed by time, the elements and the vandals who came here looking for a thrill. Waverly Hills had become the local “haunted house” and it became a magnet for the homeless, looking for shelter, and teenagers, who broke in looking for ghosts. The hospital soon gained a reputation for being haunted and stories began to circulate of resident ghosts like the little girl who was seen running up and down the third floor solarium, the little boy who was spotted with a leather ball, the hearse that appeared in the back of the building dropping off coffins, the woman with the bleeding wrists who cried for help and others. Visitors told of slamming doors, lights in the windows as if power was still running through the building, strange sounds and eerie footsteps in empty rooms."

"One of the legends told of Waverly Hills involves a man in a white coat who has been seen walking in the kitchen and the smell of cooking food that sometimes wafts through the room. During their initial visit, they found the kitchen was a disaster, a ruin of broken windows, fallen plaster, broken tables and chairs and puddles of water and debris that resulted from a leaking roof.  The cafeteria had not fared much better. It was also in ruins and the team quickly retreated. Before they could do so though, several of them reported the sounds of footsteps, a door swinging shut and the smell of fresh baked bread in the air. A quick search revealed that no one else was in the building and there was certainly no one cooking anything in the kitchen. They could come up with no logical explanation for what had occurred."



"Howls of pain, helplessness and despair have been recorded within these walls, some of them quite hollowed distinct. The slamming of doors and the caterwauling of the damned echo and resonate through the decaying corridors. Lights and shadows play upon the unfortunate guest’s eyes while the damp heat of the plastered interior may suddenly plummet into an unsettling chill as a nameless presence is felt. Many visitors have reported a small child, seen so often that he has been nicknamed Timmy, who seems to like to play an interactive game of hide and go seek with the guests. Other, far more disturbing apparitions have been reported, such as the elderly woman, shackled wrists bleeding, pleading for help. Probably the most documented reports pertain to the shadow people."



"On the third floor of the structure, reports of an apparition of a young female have been reported. In some instances, she talks to the living claiming that she does not possess eyes. In other instances, she is playing with a toy such as a ball. In other reports, the little girl is looking out of the window from the third floor. Many refer to this ghost as “Mary”."

"In addition to the stories highlighted above, many have reported seeing lights and other types of oddities that could be produced by electricity – when electricity was not present in the structure. Furthermore, many have heard disembodied voices, whispers, cries and yells emerging from the corridors of the haunted hospital."
"There are several reasons why the Waverly Hills Sanatorium is considered to be the most haunted hospital worldwide. Several patients have been through the doors of the hospital to be treated and never were able to walk out of them because of the fact that they died. Others were severely mistreated while receiving medical care within the walls of the facility. In a location surrounded by sickness, sadness, despair and death, it is no wonder that this hospital is considered to be the most haunted structure worldwide."



"An old woman has been reportedly seen around the main entrance of the Sanatorium.  She is reportedly bonded with chains and covered in blood and has been known to run from the entrance and cry for help before disappearing.  The roof was a treatment ground for children, to expose them to sunlight and allow them to play outdoors.  Voices of long-ago children are allegedly heard on occasion up there, as well as reports of dark shadows moving about the roof.  The third floor has been the focus of reports of ghostly activity by a young girl (named Mary) or boy.  A ball has been seen by some bouncing down the hall, while others outside the facility report seeing the ghost of the child peering out of the windows on the third floor.  The fourth floor is also listed as one of the major paranormal hotspots of the hospital.  Shadow figures have been reported and doors opening and closing on their own are a fairly common occurrence."



ROOM 502

"It is believed that a head nurse in the year of 1928 committed suicide in the room at the most haunted hospital known as “502”. While many speculate that she could have discovered that she was pregnant and was not yet married, the facts surrounding this case are not precise. In another story that occurred in the year of 1932, a female nurse jumped from the window of the room and died. The details of this incident are unknown as well. However, many state that they see the spirits of these nurses – dressed in their work uniform – on a regular basis."



"The most popular story, however, is the legend of Room 502, where a nurse named Mary Hillenburg allegedly hung herself from the doorway there in 1928 after discovering she had become pregnant out of wedlock. A variation of the story holds that she was actually impregnated by one of the (married) doctors working at the sanatorium at the time. The doctor apparently attempted an abortion that went awry and Mary died. To cover his tracks, he made it look as though she took her own life. Another nurse supposedly committed suicide by flinging herself off the roof."



"Room 502 seems to have taken on a life all its own through the years. Depending on whom you get your story from, the legends vary greatly, so I'll tell you a few, then tell you what my research shows. Although it was told in tours for years that Room 502 was a nurses station, it was actually a patient's bathroom. Legend has it that it was the scene of two suicides by nurses. One allegedly hanged herself in 1928, while the other jumped out of the room's window at an unknown time. This legend states that the mentally ill patients were kept on the fifth floor and these patients had to go to a half door at the nurses' stations to get their food and medicine or to use the restroom that was adjacent to the nurses' station. When the nurse hanged herself, these patients had to continue to walk around her hanging body to use the restroom until the next nurse showed up for duty. Allegedly, the nurse was 29, unmarried, and pregnant. As to why the second nurse killed herself, I've never heard, nor could I find any record of it."



"One of the most well known ghost stories about Waverly Hills centers around Room 502. Legend has it a crazy patient murdered a nurse in this room by stabbing her to death. People claim to see the patient's ghost running out the hospital's front door in a white nightgown, screaming at the top of her lungs. While there is no record of a nurse being stabbed in this room, there are records of a nurse hanging herself. She got pregnant by one of the doctors, and since it was very looked down upon she decided to take her life in Room 502. Many people have experienced strange things in that room, and most believe it is her ghost that haunts it."



"Room 502: In an episode of Ghost Hunters, a myth regarding a nurse’s murder or suicide was investigated in the room where she died, #502. Legend has it that a nurse who was pregnant but was not married had contracted tuberculosis, so she hung herself with a lightbulb wire in room 502."



"One of the most well known stories from Waverly Hills, comes from Room 502. Legend has it that in 1928, a nurse by the name Mary Hillenburg hung herself in the doorway after discovering she was pregnant out of wedlock. Now this is 1928, so being pregnant and not married was extremely looked down upon. Another twist to the story says that she got pregnant by a doctor that was also working at the hospital, who was married. So the story goes that the doctor attempted an abortion on Mary and something went wrong and she died. To ensure he didnt get in trouble for this, he apparently made it look like she had hung herself, but hanging her dead body in the doorway. And another nurse supposedly committed suicide by jumping out the window of room 502. People have attempted to find documents of this happening, but havent found any. Though paranormal investigators always report activity in and around the room."



"This is one of the more notorious areas of the Sanatorium.  There have been reported sightings of a nurse in full uniform, overwhelming since of despair, hostile voices and/or acts, and all sorts of strange activity.  There also two different stories attached to this room.  One has a nurse jumping to her death from the window of the room, while another has a different nurse hanging herself in the room in 1928 after becoming pregnant out of wedlock.  While the legend persists, there is evidence to suggest that the latter story actually took place elsewhere.  There is documentation that exists that has two nurses dying in the facility, but neither list suicide as the cause of death.  However, this may be out of consideration for the victims and reputation of Waverly Hills, as was common at the time."




"Waverly Hills is private property, and trespassing is against the law. There are security guards on site 24 hours a day, and the owners live on the property as well. Do not trespass, don't even think about it. If you wish to visit Waverly, contact the Louisville Ghost Hunters Society for their next available tour." 
"To look at the outside of the building, the only damage you can see is the missing windows. Almost every window is missing from the building. Only on the Morgue wing have windows been replaced, this is the area currently being used as the security outpost." 
"Built in the “boomerang” or “batwing” style to keep the wind moving through the solarium, Waverly is uniquely shaped, with just the morgue wing coming out to what was known as the “body chute.” I'll get into that more in a bit."
"Still located on the first floor of the building is the lobby, solarium and patient rooms, offices, medical labs, x-ray and dark room, a nurses station, a salon/barber shop, a dentist office, a library, the breaker and transformer rooms, cold rooms for meat and other food storage, an old electric/stone/water potato peeler (many believe it to be a meat grinder, its not), maintenance offices with a light indication system to let workers know if a cooler or transformer went out and needed repair, the north wing morgue."
"On the second floor north wing is the kitchen area. This kitchen had the capacity and equipment to feed 500 people and a ventilation system that could completely change the air temperature every three minutes. Also on this wing were the bakery and the dining rooms. Serving 2,100 meals daily, the main cafeteria had the capacity to seat 328 employees and/or patients at one sitting and could be expanded to seat 448. One minor surgery/treatment room was located on the second floor as were a chapel, solarium and patient rooms, one kitchenette, one dinette, and two nurses stations." 
"Occupational therapy was held on the third floor, but otherwise it was basically the same as the others with one minor surgery/treatment room, solarium and patient rooms, one kitchenette, one dinette, and two nurses stations." 
"On the fourth floor, which many report to be the most haunted, were major surgery and the recovery rooms. Also located here was a waiting room, one minor surgery/treatment room, solarium and patient rooms, one kitchenette, one dinette, and two nurses stations." 
"What is referred to as the fifth floor is really just a few offices and some rooftop space. It was reserved for the heliotherapy department that treated TB of the bone with sunlight. Children with this disease had a swing set to play on while they received treatment. In these offices there was a very small nurses station and a kitchenette." 
"In the basement of the building there are elevator maintenance, access for the laundry building, crawl spaces for pipe maintenance, and an unidentified room containing a fire door."



"There are many different instances of paranormal activity at this most haunted location. The following outlines some of the most popular stories surrounding the Waverly Hills Sanatorium:"
"At the main entrance of the haunted hospital, many have reported seeing the apparition of an elderly female that often resorts to running from the front entrance. It has been said that she is bonded by chains and that the chains appear to have cut into her skin because of the visibility of blood that is witnessed. In addition to this, many stories have the woman yelling for assistance. All stories reflect the fact that she literally disappears into thin air."
"On the third floor of the structure, reports of an apparition of a young female have been reported. In some instances, she talks to the living claiming that she does not possess eyes. In other instances, she is playing with a toy such as a ball. In other reports, the little girl is looking out of the window from the third floor. Many refer to this ghost as “Mary”."

"Many individuals have reported hearing and seeing children ghosts on the roof of the most haunted hospital playing. It is believed that children who were receiving sunlight therapy would be placed on the roof for optimal exposure."
"The fourth floor of the most haunted facility is believed to be one of the most paranormally active in the entire structure. Shadows are often seen, doors are often slammed shut unexpectedly and angry voices and noises are often heard."
"In the kitchen region of the most haunted structure, many claim to smell the aroma of cooking food and to have observed the spirit of a chef lingering in the region. Many speculate that this is the ghost of a food service worker that caught tuberculosis while working at Waverly Hills Sanatorium."




"When individuals speak of Waverly Hills Sanatorium being one of the most haunted hospitals worldwide, one of the main regions that come up time and time again is the death tunnel. Many refer to this as the “Body Chute”. This five hundred foot structure was designed to transport the deceased from the medical facility to the lower region of the hill where various types of motor vessels awaited. This structure was designed in a period where there was no electricity, so it is exceptionally dark. Furthermore, it was used to avoid lowering morale on those that remained alive in the haunted hospital. Many paranormal investigations have gathered evidence in the death tunnel that seem to indicate that there are many spirits that apparently seem lost in trying to uncover the spiritual world. EVPs, ghost pictures and even videos that contain unexplained phenomenon have been produced in the death tunnels of the most haunted hospital worldwide."



"What is now called the “body chute” is actually a tunnel that leads from the hospital to the railroad tracks at the bottom of the hill. Originally, this was built as nothing more than an underground tunnel to ship coal and food/produce up the hill to the hospital more efficiently. However, as the deaths continued to rise, the staff thought of another use. One side of the tunnel is concrete steps, while the other side consisted of a motorized rail and cable system. Eventually, this is where the bodies of the dead would be placed on gurney tables and lowered to the bottom of the tunnel where hearses would picked them up for funeral arrangements. This tunnel was totally enclosed from the morgue wing of the hospital insuring that the patients would not see how many bodies were leaving the hospital to keep up their morale. Doctors discovered early that mental health in patients is just as important as physical health." 
"This tunnel is approximately 500 feet long, and has air vents every few feet to let in light and fresh air. It has been said that the tunnel was large enough to hold all the patients and staff as a bomb shelter during both World Wars if needed."



"The Death Tunnel is another popular haunted area. One of the uses for this tunnel was transporting dead bodies out of the hospital. Since seeing hearses arrive and take away many bodies on a daily basis would bring down other patients' morale, the hospital staff thought it was best to transport the bodies away in an underground tunnel that the patients couldn't see. Some people believe that many of the deceased patients who left the hospital via this tunnel still haunt it."



"The tunnel was built at the same time as the rest of the main building on the first floor. The corridor was 500 feet to the bottom of the hill. One of its sides had a set of stairs to help the workers to enter/exit the building without making the hazardously steep descent down the hill. On the other side, there was a set of rails and a motorized cable system with a cart to help transport supplies from the bottom to the top. Since the use of antibiotics wasn’t discovered when Waverly opened, the treatment featured the use of heat lamps, fresh air, high spirits, and reassurances of eventual recovery. However, during TB’s peak, there was at least one death every other day, and the sight of the dead being carted away lowered patient morale. This loss of morale made them lose hope and become depressed, only increasing the death rate. The tunnel took on a new use – transporting the bodies through the tunnel, where a hearse at the bottom would take them away secretly to preserve the patient morale. This also was believed to lower the disease’s spreading rate."



"And now, the most creepy place in there in my opinion, is the Death Tunnel. A tunnel was built going from the main floor to the bottom of the hill near the train station. Originally used so doctors could use the steps to safely get up the hill to the hospital, and a rail cart was built alongside it to easily bring supplies to the hospital, and the fresh air it offered. But when death rates skyrocketed, it was used so doctors could transport the dead bodies out the hospital so the patients would not see so many being taken out the building, that way they wouldn't become depressed and have low morale and lose the will to live. It isn't hard to see why the Death Tunnel would be one of the most haunted places in the building, with people hearing voices and seeing apparitions."



"One of the more famous sections of the Sanatorium is the so-called Death Tunnel or Body Chute.  The 500-foot tunnel originally extended from the hospital to the bottom of the hill where it met up with railroad tracks.  It was originally used as a steam tunnel with the boiler at the bottom of the hill and the steam would travel up the pipes to provide heat throughout the hospital.  The staff would also use the tunnel to come and go from work and supplies were brought in by train and transported up the tunnel.  It consists of stairs on one side and a smooth slab on the other, which used to hold tracks that a gurney would sit on and be pulled up by winch."
"When deaths became a common daily occurrence at Waverly Hills, the staff decided to use the tunnel to transport the bodies from the facility, shielding the other patients from seeing the bodies.  The idea was to keep morale high and seeing daily reminders of the cost of their illness was taking its toll.  The bodies were wheeled down the chute, sometimes passing employees on their way in, to the bottom of the hill where hearses would come and pick them up.  Paranormal activity has been reported in this tunnel and consists of apparitions, voices, a sense of dread, and strange lights."



Well there you have it! There is so much more information about Waverly Hills out there on the web...The Booth Brothers also did a documentary on Waverly Hills. It is an excellent documentary and you can find it on's called "Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium" and it's by the Booth Brothers. I highly recommend this documentary, it's just so interesting...

Oh and before I forget, you can tour the Waverly Hills Sanatorium! To find out information about the tours go to this web site:


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this entry. I know I did. ;) Feel free to look more into the Waverly Hills Sanatorium for yourself...Like I said above, there are many sources out there about Waverly Hills. Again, thanks for reading this entry and thank you for reading my blog! 


Oh and one more thing! Don't forget! You can send in your own paranormal/weird/unexplained experience(s) to Rachel Livingston's Paranormal Blog and I will post them here....Here is what you do: Please read carefully! To submit your experiences just send them to Rachel Livingston's Paranormal Blog E-Mail. 

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-Rachel Livingston