(Above: Holly Federle and Rachel Livingston - Photo Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)
This story is very well known to you, Rachel Livingston, as we have talked about it many times.
This story is very well known to you, Rachel Livingston, as we have talked about it many times.
You and I had a very difficult birth.You were in distress, and I was losing blood, and near death.
By the time you were born, the cord was around your neck, and you weren't breathing.
I saw you being whisked over to the incubator, and watched as they resuscitated you.
I saw the Dr working on me..
It was all very clear in my mind except for the fact that when I told your Father about it, he said it was impossible that I could have seen any of it as my
eyes were rolled back in my head and near death.
I started to think about the whole experience because I knew I had seen it so clearly,
and I suddenly realized that I was seeing it from the ceiling over my body, and I could actually see everything that was going on in the room to the minute detail.......even my own body laying on the table.
I guess that's what you would call an out of body experience.
In my 51 years of life, I have had many paranormal experiences, and as my daughter has said we come from a long line of mediums on my mother's side.
I've lived in a haunted house.......
I was haunted by my deceased Father for a long time, and have had many unusual experiences.
My daughter, the author of this website is quite psychic as well.
I consider it an honor and a gift.
I have found recently my half sisters on my fathers side, with whom I had never met, AND they are all into the paranormal...mediums clairvoyants and such...How Strange is That? I definitely believe that it runs in families and how could we miss!
I have many more stories to share. and will along the way.....but for now, well, let's leave it at that.
(Above: Holly Federle - Photo Taken and Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)
By the time you were born, the cord was around your neck, and you weren't breathing.
I saw you being whisked over to the incubator, and watched as they resuscitated you.
I saw the Dr working on me..
It was all very clear in my mind except for the fact that when I told your Father about it, he said it was impossible that I could have seen any of it as my
eyes were rolled back in my head and near death.
I started to think about the whole experience because I knew I had seen it so clearly,
and I suddenly realized that I was seeing it from the ceiling over my body, and I could actually see everything that was going on in the room to the minute detail.......even my own body laying on the table.
I guess that's what you would call an out of body experience.
In my 51 years of life, I have had many paranormal experiences, and as my daughter has said we come from a long line of mediums on my mother's side.
I've lived in a haunted house.......
I was haunted by my deceased Father for a long time, and have had many unusual experiences.
My daughter, the author of this website is quite psychic as well.
I consider it an honor and a gift.
I have found recently my half sisters on my fathers side, with whom I had never met, AND they are all into the paranormal...mediums clairvoyants and such...How Strange is That? I definitely believe that it runs in families and how could we miss!
I have many more stories to share. and will along the way.....but for now, well, let's leave it at that.
(Above: Holly Federle - Photo Taken and Edited By: Rachel Aleta Livingston)
Submitted By: Holly Federle
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