Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Force

*-*The Force*-*

 I wish to recall another Paranormal Experience

 The house my Mum lives in now, is where I used to live before I had moved  out. 

 Anyway, one night I got up out of bed. I walked across the landing to go to the 

 Just as I walked past the stairway, something rushed at me, like,
to attack me. 

 I felt a force and I fell over from this. I could briefly make an outline and it appeared pretty big. 

 I was really stunned by this. Whenever I stayed in that house, I got the feeling 
 someone or something was watching me. 


Submitted By: Shane 

He's Watching...

*He's Watching...*

 My Nan was telling me the other day that back in the 1970's, she had a
Paranormal Experience. 

 She said she was woken up late one night by 
 footsteps in the bedroom. 

 But, her husband was sleeping next to her, so, 
 it wasn't him making the noise. My Nan said she was shocked to see a 
 spirit at the bottom of her bed looking at her. 

  She described him as 
 wearing Victorian clothing, a big hat, and, a smoking pipe in his 

  After a few moments he (the Spirit) moved across the room and 
 vanished into the wardrobe. 


Submitted By: Shane